Tuesday, March 11, 2014

God Places People In Our Lives For a Reason

Sometimes, we feel like the world has defeated us. That's when we go to Jesus and ask him to help us through. He can't really come down and give us a hug, but he sends people our way to fill us with comfort and fill us with his grace.

So many times, I have asked God to help me feel his presence, and he usually responds by sending someone else to carry out his message. One time, I was at a retreat having adoration, and I asked Him to let me feel him, because I needed him in that moment.  Seconds later, I felt a hand on my back praying over me. I was overcome with joy. I imagined Jesus placing his hand over me and telling me: "I am here!"

A couple months ago I prayed to God to please send me someone who would understand. At the end of the conference, I approached a girl to tell her that she had read really well during church. She said her name was Ashley, we talked for about 5 minutes, and I learned that she was actually not my age, but had already graduated from college, and at the end of our short conversation, she said: "If you ever want to talk or just need a friend, we should go get coffee or something!" BOOM. God answered my prayers. Well, I didn't know he had until now. 

Today, I had a fantastic day because I spent my afternoon with Ashley. I had added her on facebook and looked at her posts but didn't really talk to her or anything. Two weeks ago I started feeling  like I really needed to talk to someone, and I immediately thought of her. I messaged her on facebook and asked her if she was still willing to meet up. She said of course, and invited me to go to mass with her and then to have coffee. I went to mass and it was beautiful. Later, we went to get frozen yougurt and we just had a really good conversation. She is a complete gift from God and she told me exactly what I needed to hear at this moment. God sent her to me at the exact moment that I needed to hear it, and I am in awe of how amazing He is. I love you Jesus! Thank you for spending an afternoon with me! Ashley gave me a book because she said I would really like it. I am really looking forward to reading it, and I will report back about it. It's called "I believe in Love" - A personal retreat based on the teaching of St. Therese of Liseux (Who actually happens to be my all-time favorite saint! How cool is that?)

Now... Let's talk about Day 7 of Lent

- I pulled out a name from the jar and I got a girl that I did a mission trip with a couple years ago. I know she was struggling with some things, so I'm really happy I got her today. I messaged her on facebook and asked what she was doing and also offered up mass today for her. 

- Good deed a day- I visited someone who was lonely (My Grandmother). I spent some time with her and she was extremely happy to spend some time with me. I always wish I could spend more time with her, but it's hard because she is sick. I will go back tomorrow.

Three Things I am Grateful for today-
1. Ashley
2. Frozen Yougurt
3 Beautiful churches

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