Tuesday, April 22, 2014

You are worth it.

Why do you think Jesus endured so much pain? Why was he ridiculed, mocked, and abandoned when he needed company the most? Why did he let the soldiers beat him? He was struck so many times. He fell, but he got up. Why do you think he got up and continued up the path towards his death? He did it because he knew you were worth it. Even when you think your life has no value or no meaning, think that someone (your father) died for you. If that's not a good explanation for you, then I don't know what is. Remember that you should never give up because Jesus never gave up on you. Never give up because according to the law of gravity, whatever goes up must fall down, but whatever falls down must eventually come back up. I invite you to find your strenght in Jesus and come back up, because He's worth it, and you are definitely worth it.

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